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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  June 15, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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see you tonight at 7:00 eastern, 6:00 in oxford and now we waiting for neil cavuto who is waiting in the wings for "your world," for all of us at fox news thanks for trusting us with your news and information. we are just getting started! >> the language they may not speak. >>neil: critics call it back door amnesty and the president says he doing what good for america and seeking an immediate halt to the deportation of young illegals. now, the first time, the governor of arizona, since the announcement, who is no stranger to taking the president on, is about to do it all over again. here. and only here. welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto surprising friday. the not has a plan for stop deporting younger illegal immigrants and grant them work
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permits, affecting up to 800,000 illegals brought to the country before the age of 16 and who have lived here at least five years with no criminal history. we will gauge the political fall intermediate from all of this with governor romney, and his official response coming shortly but first, on fox, to a person would has been appear the center of what she called the amnesty storm, arizona governor brewer. >>guest: well, it was an interesting surprise this morning waking up to this kind of news. and i believe it is certainly preemptive atock on the senate bill something we have fought long and hard for. we keep wanting him to address the issue of securing our bodiers and to do this, in my opinion, it is back door amnesty. >>neil: it sounds like you found out when the rest of us did, no heads-up call from anyone from the white house. >>guest: no, nothing. nothing.
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>>neil: what do do you think of the fact these are the children of illegal immigrant whose is done nothing wrong and they are caught up in the fury. >>guest: well, it is a difficult decision in america because our borders are not secure. this is the result. but, we need to get our borders secure and deal with all of the other issues. but until that time, what are we supposed to do? america, or the united states has been the most favorable place to immigrate to around the world and our nation was built on immigration. but, we need legal mission, and, now, doing back door amnesty for almost 800,000, almost nearly a million more people? when our economy is down? people are hard pressed to find jobs. we will now give documentation,
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to almost nearly a million more people to compete in our economy? is that fair in is -- is that fair to the legal citizens of our country? >>neil: do you think what the white house is saying, is it fair to the children of illegals to be victimized and hide in the shadows. 800,000 is not the 20 million illegals who are already here and maybe more than that, and you know the numbers better than i and this is fine tuning it to clear cases of kids or young adults who have nothing to do with a crime and the only ones eligible or those who had no criminal record whatever so this is a very fine tuned approach. you don't buy that? >>guest: well, it is difficult. it is very difficult. we know that a lot of those children are brought over here at a very young age but i table
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we are a nation of laws. i know we will have to address that issue. and i think that some of them really excel if their education and if their businesses but the bottom line is that we believe in the rule of law and until we get our borders secured it will continue. it will not stop now. people will be making a big run not border not to mention the additional cost of the obama health care. now we have people here that will qualify probably for obama health care. what will that do to the state? s we will have a larger base to have to deliver health care services to. and in arizona, we already spend $1.7 billion a year on illegal immigration. all i have asked all along, neil, was to have our borders secured and collectively, together, sit down and say, well we will solve the other issues. not meantime we are the
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recipients of bearing the costs and we are the recipients of the open border and the recipients of the drug cartels and we are the gateway to america. to drop this on friday when there is a good possibility the senate bill 1070 will be issuing, the supreme court will issue their decision on monday, they preempt everything. >>neil: so, you question the timing of all of this? well, this became a bit of a heated discussion with one particular reporter, today. i want you to respond to this. >> answer to your question, sir, and the next time i refer you to let me finish my statement before you ask, is this the right thing to do for the american people. i didn't ask for an argument i'm answering your question. it is the right thing to do for the american people and here is why. >>neil: the daily caller
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reporter, what did you think of that, and how do you think the president handled it. >>guest: well, i believe it is a distraction to our mission and i believe that it was probably inappropriate, maybe, for a reporter to act that way but i believe everything that he has done today you in regard to his delivery of this bombshell, if you will, has been a total, has been a total distraction. >>neil: do you think it was inappropriate for the reporter to act this way? >>guest: i was asked that earlier and i said bottom line it happens to me all the line, get used to it, but, it is not for me to decide. it is for others to decide in that regard. sometimes the press are kind of aggressive and we tolerate it. >>neil: that is a bipartisan view. you guys just don't flip over
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us. governorring now i want to know where we go with this. the argument has been we cannot shift 21 million, whatever the number is, and it is all over the map, back to mexico so there has to be a way of taking some of them, particularly maybe the kids of some of them and allowing there to be as john mccain put it a path to citizenship. if this path isn't the way, governor, what path is? >>guest: well, this might be the path down the road but it is not the path at this time. our mission right now is to get control of our borders to stop the illegal immigration and then we can all come together and we ought to be able to come up and find a solution but until that time, even my president, president reagan, a role model, he promised he would secure the borders and he didn't do it. >>neil: are you going to fight
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this? >>guest: secure our border. >>neil: what are you going to do? >>guest: this is breaking news and i have done everything that i could do and i will continue to do everything i can in the future to get our border security because that is the root of the problem. >>neil: if the guy says do not hassle this person, and now the governor brewer of arizona will say what? >>guest: it doesn't matter what i think, the lawful american citizens of america, the united states, are they going to sit back and say, that the rule of law is no longer important? and if he is allows do do that under the guise of homeland security, what more can he do to us? >>neil: all right, governor, thank you. >>guest: thank you. this is the problem when they start down this path, what more
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are they going to do to us in they can do anything. >>neil: thank you governor very much. we are wait dog hear from governor romney and he will have an official response to this shortly and we will take you there like and homeland security security napolitano says today's decision is not political. but it comes a week before the president is set to address latino conference in orlando, the political maestro larry sabato. it could be coincidence. >>guest: well, i like janet napolitano but i have to disagree. this is very political. look, this is certainly about the policy but it is also about politics. that shocks you, neil, i know, 145 days from the election when the hispanic vote is absolutely critical to president obama's re-election. remember, he got 67 percent of hispanics in 2008 to john mccain's 31 percent, he won by 36 percent, and critical in
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nevada, and colorado, and new mexico. here is the career point: this november his pangs will be, again, between 9 percent and 10 percent of the total votes one in ten voters, and is one of the only categories of voters where president obama is doing as well or better than he did in 2008. this decision reinforces his strength with spanish and latino voters. >>neil: you mentioned politics and we got out the reaction, now, from governor romney, a few minutes ago. >> i believe the status of young people who come here through no fault their own is an important matter to be considered and should be solved own a long term basis so they know what their future is in this country. the action of the president today makes it more difficult to reach that long-term solution because an executive order is of course, a short-term matter and can be reversed by subsequent
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presidents. i wrote like to sea legs that deals with this and i agree with mark rubio, he said that this is an important matter and we have to find a long term solution but the president's action makes reaching a long term solution more difficult. if i'm president, we will do our very best to have that kind of long-term solution that provides certainty and clarity for the people who come indo this country influence in fault of their own by virtue of the action of their parents. >>neil: what is interesting, this could be reversed by future presidents, of course, he wants to be a future president, so he could reverse it but he didn't indicate if he would do that. >>guest: notice how careful he was, how moderate he was, during the primaries he took a very strong stand on illegal immigration, but the primaries are over and he is trying to get back to the center particularly with his pang -- hispanic
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voters. they understand they must do better with hispanics and latinos in the when states if they are to take the swing states away from president obama. they were in the president's column in 2008. >>neil: thank you, in indulging the breaking news. we will hear from sheriff arrest -- sheriff arpaio, and one vote, one nation, and a world bracing for the worst. governments here and there are scrambling to avoid chaos if greece gives the euro the heave he on sunday. what you need to know now. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon.
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>>neil: a bailout or a greek sell out? stocks were up today on hopes of more stimulus here and there,
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there are growing fears we could see a major sell off on monday if it does not go as planned and hoped on sunday. and now the potential fall out but ashley webster is in athens, greece, on the outcome of the election, way too close to call. >>reporter: you are right, neil, very close. the problem is, as far as the e u.s. concerned the leadership is leftist party, and the other party is doing very well, did well in the first election in may 6, but they could not form a coalition government and they are in neck and necktie with conservative party here but new democracy party which is proe.u. and will abide by the bailout negotiations but the leftist party says we will tear that up and renegotiate and that could force greece out of the don't zone and back to the drachma. what would that do for world markets? there is concern of financial
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turmoil if that happens. we go that the central banks are standing ready to pump liquidity into the system but what about the greek service i have talked to many who say, life is, frankly, miserable. we have seen reports of people stocking up on asked goods, and the hospitals are running out of money and people are not getting paid for the jobs they are doing and the chemists, we understand, pharmacies, will not take, will not give prescriptions on credit but only take cash. that is in short supply as you can imagine. so, the greeks have a little bit of austerity fatigue and election fatigue and they want the country do get its act together. the question is, will they we will final out on sunday night. exactly who could be leading this country and whether greece will, indeed, still be a member of the euro zone. >>neil: in athens, thank you, we are potentially looking at a
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major sell off if the vote goes the wrong way over there. and my market watcher is very worried. what is 9 impact? >>guest: well, it is simple. the markets love bailouts, right? we learned that from spain and italy and from the united states, so if the party which is ready to give the finger to the rest of europe, if they win there will no bailout a restructuring of bailout terms, no austerity, no progress. >>neil: is the fear that we are too exposed there, or the fear that it just sort of like a domino situation that hits? or both? >>guest: a little bit of both. it is a total domino effect because you have a lot of investment in greece from the united states and countries in europe alone, but, your point about investment involvement, one of the pictures from the financial crisis of 2008 was more involvement and more connection of the global banking system worldwide. what that means, u.s. banks and european banks, they got a lot of cash in greece banks and that is not good.
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>>neil: companies like mcdonald's and 3m and ibm hint of exposure, and some greece, specifically, we are more enter joined than most americans appreciate but we are not to the point where companies were laying off workers as a result of our exposure. could that happen? >>guest: it could. and some of the companies you mentioned, by and large the s&p which is where the companies are with regard to the indices, have about 20 percent of their earning power coming from europe alone. smaller portion is in greece. but look no further than the recent earnings reports last quarter, they is talked about this slow down in jump and they talked about holding back of countries to invest in europe so that could lead to cutbacks and workforce reductions.
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>>neil: if greece bolts, then what? >> destabilization of the financial system. what will happen the system will have to recalibrate for the new greece and whether that is the drachma or another currency, do not forget everyone has euros in greece. there will have to be conversion ratio that is not going to be fun to go through. >>neil: have a good weekend, scott martin, in chicago. well, the world central banks preparing for the worst right now, but as the former secretary of state treasury secretary see happening, george shultz is my special guest tonight. and on sunday, gerri willis will have live coverage of the outcome the greek elections on that fine network and the market fall out from worldwide kicks off at 9:00, remember when others are on reruns and showing kill it commercials, we are giving you the real story. fox business news giving you the power to prosper. , you don't -- you don't have it? scream out loud and demand it.
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>>neil: a jetblue pilot was cleared for trial. a judge ruled that the pilot mentally competent to stand trial. the pilot is accused of running up and down the plane's i'll screaming of jesus and al qaeda, and now a group of passengers is suing jetblue for gross negligence in hiring him in the first place. do they have a case? lis and stacey. lis, do they have a case? >> absolutely. if jetblue had any idea that
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this guy was getting a little bit ... stressed, whatever, they should have grounded him. not fired him. grounded him. but to put him on the plane and put the passengers through what they went through i want to try that case and put the passengers one after the other and after the other talk about the many moments when they were frightened if their lives thinking the plane was going down. >>neil: what if there is no such behavior? >>guest: then there was in way for jetblue do know that he was mentally unstable in the past the passengers lose the lawsuit. >>neil: there has to be proven jetblue knew something was strange? all you do not just roll out of bed and do something like that. >>neil: people snap. >>guest: he had a mental breakdown or break with reality,
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but --. >> he has not had any kind of physical checkup for a year before that so if you are running an airliner. it is not required but it should be. >>neil: did jetblue violate any procedure or policy? >>guest: no that we know of. >>neil: just looking to make money? >>guest: for the passengers with went through that. come on. put yourself on the plane for a second. >>neil: get over it. >>guest: you get over it? >>neil: you landed safely. >>guest: and you are not waking up with note mayors. >>neil: so they have to prove something or they have to get over it. >>guest: they allege gross negligence and there is a standard they have to meet. did jetblue know that this could have happened? >>neil: i thought -- i hat a guest and he knew the pilot and he was telling me that this guy
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was the perfect pilot, very reliable, and thousands of flights to his credit, no incidents, not even a hint of a problem. to that point --. >>guest: if there is any discovery out there which we don't know if this is, if there is any discovery when the lawyers put the facts together, any discovery they could have known or should have known --. >>neil: you are re-doing the rules. you are saying he should have been --. now are you going to penalize the company that didn't --. >>guest: it sound like a deep pocket kind of case. >>neil: she is the lawyer. >>guest:bly prediction is jetblue will not admit liability but will settle the case to avoid further publicity because they want this off the table. >>neil: if a lot of money? >>guest: yes. >> i don't think so. >> i think there is so much stress. >> a nominal amount.
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>>neil: what is a nominal amount? >> maybe $10,000 a passenger is reasonable. >> and the other problem they said in an e-mail we are so sorry we will i fund your ticket? what? what? you are refunding the ticket. >>neil: ladies, thank you both very much. and, anyway, the bus is back, not the magic because, romney's bus and the democrats are trailing it and karl rove is trailing them and he is here after this. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network...
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that's right for you. >>neil: governor romney kick off the bus tour in new mexico -- in new hampshire, and the democrats are trailing it calling it the middle class under bus tour. karl, what do you think of the tour? >> well, a smart move on romney's part. it is summer. he will go to battleground states. a nice way to go from state to state with a little bit more time than not fall. and, he is putting himself in middle class blue-collar communities and saying, president obama has not given you a fair shake. he has been piling up debt and failing to deliver. >>neil: we have this out of nowhere announcement dealing with the children of illegal immigrants, 800,000 young people could be affected, and you may
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have heard earlier in the broadcast, governor brewer of arizona and governor perry we are getting indications from your fine state of texas, in fan. how will it play out? >>guest: this is nothing but a politically motivated and cynical act. i am open to immigration reform. we need an answer. but rebound while saying in 2008 he wanted to make it a priority did nothing about it in 2009 and 2010 when he had 60 members in the senate and 255 democrats in the house of representatives that could pass the bill and now a few months, 144 days from an election he takes an act he said he could not take legally last year, and by doing so, undermines the possibili of a consensus this year, or even next year, if he were re-elected about immigration reform. the facts need to be taken by the elected representatives this
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congress and comprehensive discussions in a bipartisan bill and the president has undermined that trying to score points with latino voters after ignoring them for 3 1/2 years. where was he in 2009 with comprehensive immigrationry form? same place in 2007, not a priority in 2007 when he said he was for it and voted against it. >>neil: how will it sort out? latino community is a group that typically, has backed democrats and this president. and, depending on the poll, still backs them. that could change if someone lick a rubio is put on the romney ticket, but what is your sense of the latino vote? >>guest: it is supportive of the president today, but skeptical, and open to change. they are worried about the economy, worried about jobs, they were turned off by the rhetoric in the republican primary and the question is, will romney make the case that says, your community is being hurt by the poor american economy and i will encourage the dreams of entrepreneurship and
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prosperity and is the president going do have a couple other tricks up his sleeve? in politics for every argument this is a counter argument and this will generate the counter evidence, you were willing to do this now but where the heck have you been the last 3 1/2 years, particularly the first two years when you had the ability to pass comprehensive reform because your party dominated congress by a big margin. it will be interesting to see how that play out. >>neil: the response we republicans including governor romney, and mark marco rubio have been cautious, the short-term fix, i understand, and governor romney saying, the future president could simply overturn this and he did not indicate whether he would do that but would it be in say, a republican president's interest to overturn in while you are working on a long term solution. >>guest: well, look, this will solve part of the problem. ironically, if you want
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comprehensive immigration reform, it removes one thing that could make consensus possible and raises hackles. this is an issue that cries out for a legislative action for a statute that ought to be passed by congress and signed into law by the president and it does not call for or help to have executive action like we saw today, that is clearly motivated by short term political interests. this undermines, this is a con continues issue. it is very complicated. there are lots of moving parts that need to be put together and the president if he cared about there would defer to congress and work with them rather than going ahead for political purposes. >>neil: thank you. speaking of the buses, campaign buses, you do not want to miss the bus to the 8:00 show. so many of you are answering questions. we will answer them. next. but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure.
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get what you are missing. time for to us go prime time. all c.i.a.s on the new spot. you deserve this opportunity and it will be a huge success now. >>neil: we caught up with governor worker. >> if romney would ask me i would put pile ryan at the top of my list. i am not going through a year and a half of this and neck take off. >> congratulations on the new time spot here. >>neil: o'reilly has a switch. >> what is it about my sex appeal that brings out the beef in wisconsin? >> i said from the beginning of my campaign this is the most important election of our country in our hit. i believe that. >> $4 billion a day we incur on a national level? it is illegal and immoral. >>neil: we will be here until we get the final results because
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i live for the horn honking. >> ben bernanke will save the day. god save us all. having a have manifest value hours after my superman story. coincidence? i think not. what happens in wisconsin goes beyond wisconsin. and a micro systems co-founder. >> people are taking their time, energy and assets from business and hospital environments and moving to other states. all smart vote. they are starting to be able to spell the word "broke," and that is a good sign. >>neil: i see a lot of grass. i'm talking about the protesters and what they are smoking. the green grass. >> oh, o'reilly is conveying if
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his budgets. >>neil: i will make him a contributor. all it is 11:20 in the facebook opening trade. all congratulations, neil. >>neil: you notice bill o'reilly is shaking. i saw him tonight, the nervous fellow with the sweat this. >>neil: i hear you, buddy. >> what about tapping as a conservative running mate a pennsylvania senator? all just want an italian on the ballot. >>neil: thank you. >> i learn a lot you are a go friend. thank you. >>neil: enough about me. back to me. two weeks in prime time at fox business network, and, we have been giving you the business,
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and i hope a little bit of pizzazz but there has been some confusion. so, a lot of common misperceptions i will clear up and questions that keep coming up that i want to answer. question one, i get quote a bit. i don't get fox business network and now you are leaving fox news what did i do? first off, relax. i have not left fox news and unless my boss knows otherwise i will not. i am it will here and doing show you are watching, and still 4:00 p.m. and my fox business network show has moved to 8:00 eastern and to answer what to do regarding getting it, we will go to the cable operator office and stand outside, and tell him you will not leave until they have an offer, demand it and stand there hike a zombie and scare them. they will move. i guarantee.
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good luck. >> another one, if i see you on fox news what is different on fox business news? i am wearing for clothes. on fox business network we get down and dirty a perspective on things other channels have abandoned. we figured you deserve something better at that hour so we came up with this, if you like it, do you really think you are a threat to bill o'reilly in rhyme time, and show me the proof if you do. yes, i do, and yes, i do have the proof, bill developed a twitch. watch closely. just look. >> all those things you say, are you and bill still friends? >> in need to worry we never were. seriously this is in good fund had like i said the switch thing is not. he has been very, very gracious. what i am watching you in the afternoon or in the evening you
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always are interrupting people so why should i bother? i am trying to get people to answer questions and time is tight on tv. it big you when i do that but a lot of the guys go back do their talking points would bother a lot more of you a lot more if i continued to let them do that. what does it mean when you say, on fox business network, we don't just report the business we give 'em the business. it mean we take in prisoners and demand they get specific and it means do not thing of filibustering with me. i do that i hope for all. if you would give me one good reason i should watch you over bill. >>guest: well, i will give you five. no dormants. no becomes. though pinheads. no patriots. >> does bill behind you doing this? >> shh he does not know. >> you say the evening show is a business show but you smile and laugh a lot, and do not act like a business guy?
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>>neil: sorry, but i like sorry. so i we you well channel surfing a couple guys opposite me are pistols. >> neil cavuto you are self-satisfied and arrogant, and i see a guy who clearly has not known a day of hardship that could related to real people and their every day pain. >> well, i know more of this real world than you think, end of story. stick with me, i am sticking up for you, you have to trust me on that. all most prime time anchors shout, you don't. why would i ever want to watch a guy in prime time who does? just do show your friend you have a higher standard. boxers or brief? >> i thought you said "stocks." you are fixated with money and taxes and who is paying what, is that all there is? all at 8:00 p.m., yes. >> what does it mean when you say are not red or blue or green because you look pale. very pale. all it mines all about green, money, cash, i don't care what
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matter is wasting it against the bailouts under president bush or under president obama, i do not waste time caring who is wasting but how much and why. my opinion. and the pale thing, i agree, but it is probably because i am inside all day doing these shows to help you. you could say, thank you. and finally, a constant theme, the issue of how i got on tv in the first place. there is nothing about neil cavuto that hints of tv star, so what is it? what is it? 8:00 p.m. fox business network when the magic of hope and beauty of pageantry is at broadcast speed. just take me in, you will not ever tune me out. i hope this has cleared up the loose issues and i hope i have answered the basic questions. am i worth watching at 8:00?
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i am betting from the ratings i am already seeing more of a few of you are saying "the financial factor," is worth the investment and a stock you got to own. the royal time buy in prime time. give me a chance i could make you some serious change. it is up to you. what do you want in a prime time show? hot air? or cold hard cash? don't be a pinhead. profit off me i will make you a happy and rich patron. really. >> if your job is so demanding, you say you don't have time to be a dad, then which job are you looking at? we found one that is pretty demanding and he still fines the time. so anyway, i've been to a lot of places. you know, i've helped a lot of people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing)
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roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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>>neil: as a dad i can tell you it is not easy being a boss because bosses are not last took long. a nice gig when you have it but bosses or working like the dickens and i wonder if a lot them, if it is worth it after all the money and the power. is it still worth it? all time away from home. all the time away from their kids. for all beating up at work. i know one boss, who does his barnd effort to make the best. he travel add lot and travels well and he has a jet. a nice jet. but, also hike a lot of bosses he has a family, a nice family. and he doesn't like being away from them so much. so we are always told he is always, always, all calling his kid and helping with the homework to the point of being annoying and said good night to them no matter where he is on this planet and making every single every single parent
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teacher conference no matter how busy. staff members there is no scheduling around the kid time and whoa to the assistant who forgets that rule just one time. or, when he is home, thinking about interrupting his family dinner time. being a boss, he has a lot of help. but his kids sure as heck better do their chores and make their bids because no way in heck will they push that on the help. from all accounts he is a proud dad. sometimes even boarding on embarrassing dad. when this full time boss, made him self a part time assistant coach, on his kids' basketball team, we heard she winces. her sister has the same reaction when dad is whooping it up on the side lines during the soccer game. you know how loud dads can be. and say this boss does it out of guilt he grew up without a father and he would be damned if his kids grew up without a father.
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he is am beneficiary man. still a family family. and a man would lives in a nice house. perhaps you have seen it. it is this house. and it is this boss. and it is these kids who are the beginning and end for this boss. and his wife. not just any parent. to be sure. but raising kids in a pretty tough environment. and that is for sure. policies can be debated here. i debate them all the time but this man's commitment to fatherhood cannot, because my colleague once wrote, this president stands as a defiants daily contrast to the pop culture message that wealthy men are unattached to families. it does not hurt that in minority families she a constant presence, the census bureau authorities 25 million children children live without their biological father at home and the national fatherhood initiative says that the
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prospects for most of the kids is not good. kids need a dad. he doesn't always have to be home. he just has to be there, on this count, by all accounts, president obama has been there. now that doesn't mean you can't fault i on spending and many will. but do not think of trying to fault him on spending time with his kids. i will not. not ever. he is a good dad. this father's day, don't matter your politics on this, i think the most would found duty a man can take on for dad obama, i say, hats off. so, we can. and will quibble this election year whether he is a good president, but the debate ensues, let there be no doubt, president obama is a very good and i like to think, excellence dad and i admire that very were. and the president for being that and all the busiest dads on the planet who never forget the most important job is being a dad. being a father.
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being a role model. being an example. we could do worse. than to have a president setting an example like that. fortunately, in this case, we are not. rebound and all the busy dads on this planet, happy father's day. and thank you. for showing us what is important. make it special. go night. . follow the wings.
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